Form Your Own Groups

In the community area, members can create their own groups—both public and private. Use them for workshopping or just talking privately. Set up a private forum just for the people in your group.

Here are the instructions for setting up a group.

  1. From the Groups page (members only), click “Create a Group.”
  2. Next, fill out the Group name and Group description.
  3. Click “Create Group and Continue.”
  4. Next, on the Settings tab, select the privacy option you wish to assign for the group and who can invite users to the group. Click “Next Step.”
  5. On the Avatars Tab, assign a specific avatar to the group if you wish. Click “Next Step.” Same for the Banner.
  6. On the Invites, you can invite users to this Group. You can send invites at any time. BuddyPress requires you to have friend connections before you can invite users.
  7. Click “Finish.”

Contact @Angel if you have any trouble or need assistance.

Note that the admin (@Angel) has access to all groups, even private ones, and the Terms of Service apply there as well as in public areas.

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