Joan De La Haye

Author Information

Joan De La Haye

Joan De La Haye writes horror and some very twisted thrillers. She invariably wakes up in the middle of the night because she’s figured out yet another freaky way to mess with her already screwed-up characters. Joan is interested in some seriously weird shit. That’s probably also one of the reasons she writes horror. Joan is deep, dark, and seriously twisted, and so is her writing.

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The Veil (the Diabolical Series, Book 2)

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What if the battle you thought you’d won was lost? What if the nightmare you thought you’d overcome was back? What if the demon you thought you’d vanquished showed up while you were on holiday? This time, he isn’t alone, and he’s coming for your friends.

Shadows (the Diabolical Series, Book 1)

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What if you thought you were losing your mind?

What if all those nightmares were real?

Could you survive a demon bent on torment and death, a nightmare feeding on your fear?

“If you’re open to reading a book that is genuinely disturbing, in some cases distasteful, and creepy as hell, then I’m pretty sure you’ll ‘enjoy’ Shadows.” – Dave de Burgh, author of Betrayal’s Shadow

“Dark, twisted and creepy, Shadows will take you out of your comfort zone and keep you glued to the pages of the book, regardless of whether or not you want to.” – Tammy February,

“If you like your horror as warped as it gets, you’ll love this genuinely scary page-turner. I’m looking forward to reading what she does next – although I suspect I’ll be reaching for the Sominex afterwards.” – Something Wicked

The Race

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Joanna Perry is drugged, kidnapped, and forced to fight for survival, for the entertainment of the world’s rich and depraved, as well as the chance to win her weight in gold. In the race for her life, glory, and gold, Joanna must kill or be killed.

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