Tips on Reviewers
Reviews can boost your sales if they’re good. If they’re bad, they can hurt your sales. Requesting a review is a risk worth taking.
- Don’t be shy about cold-contacting them.
- Look to see if they’ve posted review guidelines on their website (many have), and if so, follow them to the letter.
- Familiarize yourself with their reviews so you know whether they’re in sync with your style.
- Maintain a list of which ones you’ve contacted. Wily Writers has created an Excel spreadsheet for you to download, customize, and use: Wily Writers Reviews Tracker
- Over time, you’ll build a list of trusted reviewers who enjoy your work and recognize your name. You might consider sending hard copies to these reviewers.
- If sending to a reviewer who requires a hard copy (some places do), don’t expect any more from them. They may or may not actually do a review, and it may or may not be positive.
- It’s okay to send advance-reading copies (ARCs) of your book to reviewers even if your book is out—unless you made extensive revisions to the final version.
- Do share the review via your social media once it’s live. Share and share again later. This helps both you and the reviewer.
- Let Wily Writers know if you got a good review, and we’ll post about it in our public newsletter.
- Be on your most professional behavior with all reviewers.
- Remember that reviewers receive a TON of requests, so don’t be surly with them if they don’t review your book. Never let them see you sweat.
- Make it clear up-front that you’re offering an ebook version of your book if you’re not willing to send a hard copy. To make it easier on them, include a link to the download in your email to them. An excellent site for setting up a free download of your ebook is
- Never argue with a reviewer who has given your book a negative review, especially not in public. Bad juju.
- Never publicly berate a reviewer who has given your book a negative review. Burning bridges burns you more than them.