Keep your mind fresh. These videos will challenge you, inspire you, and maybe teach you something you didn’t already know. Share your thoughts in a comment or discuss them in the forums. Have a suggestion for a video that moved, changed, or inspired you? Let us know in the comments.
Denzel Washington, risk, courage, faith, persistence
Elizabeth Gilbert, success, rejection, fear, creativity,
Neil Gaiman, art, imagination, innovation,
Carrie Green, clarity of vision, willpower, boldness, visualization
Peter Dinklage, hardship, comfort, risk, people helping people
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, storytelling, culture, preconceptions
Ashley Stahl, inspiration, imperfection, fear, perfectionism
Jim Carrey, manifestation, success, determination, fear
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, hardship, failure, ambition, commitment
Brené Brown, Oprah, vulnerability, courage, shame
Seth Godin, Marie Forleo, creativity, productivity, inspiration
Lori Gottlieb, change, self-talk, letting go
Logan LaPlante, innovation, courage, ingenuity, nonconformity